The tower knob already formed its crowning finial after the completion of the church tower in 1557.
In May 1642, the tower knob was renewed. Even the names of the craftsmen who reattached the knob and the weather vane at a lofty height have been handed down: Caspar Toblitzmann, slater, and Martin Kluge, carpenter.
Another repair took place in 1701. Chronicles concerning the years 1632 to 1642 were found in the tower knob, which were reproduced in the „Gubener Wochenblätter“ of the years 1836 and 1837.

Weather vane anno 1836
The Tuirm knob withstood all weathers for almost 70 years until 1768, when another repair was necessary. It was newly gilded by the girdler George Friedrich Barth and replaced by a slater from Bohemia.
In the October days of 1836, important repairs were again made to the lightning conductor as well as to the tower knob and the weather vane. Since 1830, the latter had already been a very pitiful sight, having been badly bent by a storm and a star that formed its end had already been torn down.
David Krüger, the town councillor at the time, was commissioned to make the new weather vane, and he spared no effort and created a work of art in elaborate, costly work. He presented this work, with a considerable length of two metres and a weight of almost 35 kilograms, to the town as a gift. In addition to the dates 1642 and 1836, it depicted the Saxon coat of arms, the old Guben town coat of arms with the three towers and the town gates. The latter is framed by two lions over which the Prussian eagle spreads its wings. The honourable donor of the weathervane immortalised himself with a small inscription: „Made by Carl Dav. Krüger, copper worker 1836“. The installation was somewhat difficult due to the dimensions of the weathervane, but was completed in one hour with calm and prudence by master carpenter Schutzke and the courage and skill of his journeymen and slater Seeliger.
The last time the weather vane of the town and main church was renewed was in autumn 1925 by master plumber Max Hiecke, Senior.
Andreas Peter: Die Stadt- und Hauptkirche in Guben/Gubin
– Eine Bau- und Kulturgeschichte. Niederlausitzer Verlag, Guben 2007,
ISBN 978-3-935881-48-7. (100 Seiten, über 50 s/w-Abbildungen)
Fotos, Negative, Zeichnungen, Urkunden, Dokumente, Filme, Zeitzeugen, Unterstützer, Aktive