The first pulpit in the enlarged and renovated church was built in 1581 and made by Valentin Beitsch, a native of Guben and carpenter in Hildesheim at the time, and attached to the pillar where the new one then stood. Pastor Johann Fabricius held the first sermon on it. The first pulpit stood for 125 years. It was then dismantled and replaced by a new one.
The church received a new pulpit in 1706.
This was made by Caspar Gude, an artist and sculptor from Sagan, with extremely elaborate carvings. Some of the ornaments were gilded. Jesus was enthroned on the richly decorated sound lid with the victory flag. The sound cover contained a cassette with the names of the donors of the pulpit as well as those of the councillors and teachers at the church and school. The old pulpit was moved to the church in Atterwasch, where it still stands today.
Andreas Peter: Die Stadt- und Hauptkirche in Guben/Gubin
– Eine Bau- und Kulturgeschichte. Niederlausitzer Verlag, Guben 2007,
ISBN 978-3-935881-48-7. (100 Seiten, über 50 s/w-Abbildungen)
Fotos, Negative, Zeichnungen, Urkunden, Dokumente, Filme, Zeitzeugen, Unterstützer, Aktive