When the church was extended in 1562, it received new windows, some of which were decorated with coats of arms. In the course of the following decades, however, they became almost opaque and were completely renewed between 1691 and 1701.

Fenster heute
Within 18 years, between 1897 and 1915, seven of the tall stained glass windows on the south side of the church, facing the market square, were artistically decorated with stained glass, which was preserved until 1945. The westernmost stained glass window, however, remained transparent. This was to provide the organist with better light for his playing.
The donors were all respected citizens of Guben who were connected with the church in a special way.
Andreas Peter: Die Stadt- und Hauptkirche in Guben/Gubin
– Eine Bau- und Kulturgeschichte. Niederlausitzer Verlag, Guben 2007,
ISBN 978-3-935881-48-7. (100 Seiten, über 50 s/w-Abbildungen)
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