The altar was located between the three easternmost columns, in the oldest part of the church. The altarpiece (of Jesus crucified) was framed by a very richly crafted baroque structure resting on Corinthian columns.
To the right and left of it were large allegorical figures representing the Christian virtues (faith, love, hope).
At the apex of the altar structure was the symbol of the Trinity, in an equilateral triangle the word Jehovah, in Hebrew script, with the inscription Sanctus on each of the three sides.
In 1717 the old altar was replaced by a new one, which cost around 1,500 Reichsthaler including sculpting and painting. It was not fully completed until 1727. In 1759, a Martin Christian Hefter, court assessor and chief elder of the butchers‘ trade, gave the church a red silk altar cloth with wide golden borders, which was usually placed on the altar on the first days of Easter, Pentecost and Christmas.
Andreas Peter: Die Stadt- und Hauptkirche in Guben/Gubin
– Eine Bau- und Kulturgeschichte. Niederlausitzer Verlag, Guben 2007,
ISBN 978-3-935881-48-7. (100 Seiten, über 50 s/w-Abbildungen)
Fotos, Negative, Zeichnungen, Urkunden, Dokumente, Filme, Zeitzeugen, Unterstützer, Aktive