In 2007, activities to acquire funding, e.g. from the Interreg programme of the Polish Ministry of Culture, the Office for the Protection of Monuments of the Voivodeship, the Foundation for German-Polish Cooperation and private sponsors, will be continued.
These funds are necessary to prepare and implement the following activities:
Securing and clearing the hall nave
Archaeological work using Polish and German volunteers
Continuation of the work started on the church tower, such as:
Putting on the tower bonnet
Attaching the lightning protection system
Fabrication of the spire with weather vane
Examination of the installation of 2 bells
Attaching the wooden staircase
Use of the viewing platform
Use concept for the tower and sacristy
Consultation with industry personalities, such as:
Mr. Hoffmann-Tauschwitz (Landeskirchenbauamt Berlin/Brandenburg/Saxony),
Prof. Kuhn (IBA Fürst-Pückler-Land),
Prof. Dr. M. von Gerkan (architect), Prof.
Dr. Dr. Karg (Brandenburg State Conservator).
Fotos, Negative, Zeichnungen, Urkunden, Dokumente, Filme, Zeitzeugen, Unterstützer, Aktive